Corporate Governance
Impro is committed to achieving the highest standards of corporate governance. The company strives to create sustainable value and maximize returns for shareholders while bringing positive impact to employees, business partners and society by implementing sound governance structure and measures.
Executive Directors
Mr. Lu Ruibo(Chairman, CEO)
Ms. Wang Hui, Ina
Mr. Yu Yuepeng
Ms. Zhu Liwei
Mr. Wang Dong -
Independent Non-Executive Directors
Mr. Yu Kwok Kuen Harry
Dr. Yen Gordon
Mr. Lee Siu Ming -
Audit Committee
Mr. Yu Kwok Kuen Harry(Chairman)
Terms of Reference
Dr. Yen Gordon
Mr. Lee Siu Ming -
Remuneration Committee
Mr. Lee Siu Ming(Chairman)
Terms of Reference
Mr. Yu Kwok Kuen Harry
Mr. Lu Ruibo -
Nomination Committee
Mr. Lu Ruibo(Chairman)
Terms of Reference
Dr. Yen Gordon
Mr. Lee Siu Ming -
Sustainability Committee
Dr. Yen Gordon (Chairman)
Terms of Reference
Mr. Yu Yuepeng
Ms. Zhu Liwei
Mr. Wang Dong
Mr. Lee Siu Ming -
Amended And Restated Articles Of Association
List of directors and their roles and functions
Procedures for Shareholders to Propose a Person for Election as a Director of the Company